Hand in hand with the soul

"...After a while I started looking for a Russian-speaking psychologist, and that's how I managed to find Katerina. I believe that this person was sent to me by the Lord God Himself. I am grateful to Him for this. In addition to professionalism, I appreciate her inner qualities - she is an extraordinary person. I often remember her with a kind word, even though I now live on the other side of the globe. "
Not so long ago I was at a training session. We were sitting on the floor, in a circle, and a woman in her forties was opposite me. She tensed up, clenched her hands and knees tightly, and then she started crying. She started to tell me why she was crying. I looked at her and saw something painfully familiar and dear to me. I sympathized with her, but at the same time I was angry - there was a way out!

This woman perfectly embodied the state of the victim, in which I myself had been for quite a long time - eight years ago I was exactly like that, tense and crying all the time. I was living in Greece at the time, so I went to a local psychologist for the first time, but nothing good came out of the meeting. She was twenty minutes late and didn't even apologize, looked at me arrogantly, and was more interested in her manicure than in my story, which was hard for me to talk about. I felt like I was being ignored, disrespected, that I was nobody at all. Of course, I never went back there again.

After a while I started looking for a Russian-speaking psychologist, and that's how I managed to find Katerina. I believe that this person was sent to me by the Lord God Himself. I am grateful to Him for this. In addition to professionalism, I appreciate her inner qualities - she is an extraordinary person. I often remember her with a kind word, even though I now live on the other side of the globe. When I first came to see her, she asked my permission to write down everything I would say. She listened very attentively, she was absorbed in my problems and pain - it was a sincere interest in me as a person.

Briefly about myself. My name is Laura, I am thirty-two years old, I used to live in Greece. During the year and a half of our meetings with Katerina, she taught me to believe in people anew, to build bridges of trust. She helped me to find myself, to start feeling and hearing what was going on in my soul. She understood, believed in me, accepted and loved me. Thanks to Katerina I decided to make serious changes in my life. I met my current husband, a long-distance captain, and now I live in the Primorsky Territory, in the city of Nakhodka.

When I was leaving Athens for my new life, Katerina said very important, heartfelt and touching words to me. It was very supportive, because at that time I had to go to the other side of the world and completely change my whole environment. And now, when I am having a hard time, I remember this good advice.

We didn't say goodbye. It so happened that one of the difficult moments of my life was my first pregnancy. It was difficult, panic attacks started, I even thought about abortion. I went to a specialist in Nakhodka, but she indifferently wrote me a prescription for Diazepam. I could not agree with this decision and contacted Katerina via Skype. We worked intensively, three times a week, she pulled me out of this state. The medication didn't come in handy. Now my daughter, our little miracle, is two years old and my husband and I are expecting a new addition to the family

Today I can confidently say about myself: I am a happy mom and wife, and I have my own world, which I cherish. I am sure that in many ways all of this was possible thanks to Katerina.

She is a wonderful person, kind and sympathetic, with a strong core and at the same time lightness, the ability to enjoy the world in a light and childlike way.

Forever in my heart.

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