A way of getting to know yourself

"...Despite the terrible resistance to the "before", I looked forward to each subsequent meeting.... I liked that they listened attentively to my "nonsense", and in their eyes I saw a real understanding of my problem! At the end, I was always given such a layout of the situation, in which I could clearly catch the essence of what was happening, I could see the reasons and make the necessary conclusions".
Good Health to everyone! My name is Lena, I come from Kazakhstan.
I am a creative person, I work all my life and learn something new in parallel.
Now I work in the beauty industry, manicurist, nail stylist.

I came to Greece when I was 24 years old, with my husband and 5 years old son.

Everything was easy for me, I am a cheerful optimist:)))! I had to work a lot and often in the night shift (survived, some time I was a cleaner in the emergency hospital).

The body was slowly getting tired..... but somehow we are not used to listen to ourselves...work, home, family everyday life, tiredness...again work, work.... I started to notice that I'm running out of energy. I get tired quickly. Then I began to notice that I was VERY nervous ...but again I somehow missed ..... and I can't even remember how many years I've had anxiety! I just didn't realize what it was, like COM IN THE GROUND!

Once, being at work, I felt bad: my heart pounded with such force that my lips became numb, my legs shook, at the same time it was impossible to stay still, I wanted to run inexplicably where.... It was my first panic attack...I did not understand what was happening to me...such panic crises became more frequent, lasted about 5-10 minutes about once a week.... then more often...and every day and several times a day .... IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO LIVE (I was 40 at the time) .... I still didn't understand what was happening to me, I thought I was having heart attacks and following this logic I ended up seeing a cardiologist.

After examining me, the doctor said there was nothing wrong with my heart! I ran to check my goiter: everything was fine too! I shared, talked to my friends about my condition, and I did not have to talk much, because it was obvious from my behavior that I was not healthy. Someone of all people recommended a PSYCHOLOGIST!!! :)))) I, of course, let it pass, thinking, "TODAY EVERYONE WHO HATES A PSYCHOLOGIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Well, it's obvious that it's a problem with the organism: )))))!!!" Plus, I had an earlier bad experience of going to a local "psychologist", I did not understand anything, which made me even more disbelieved in the possible usefulness of "these smart people".

And so, going from doctor to doctor, different specializations, I got to the therapist, whom I was recommended, saying that a friend with the same problem goes to him .... At that moment I couldn't stay at home alone ... I couldn't be in public places, I couldn't ride the bus, let alone the subway ..... couldn't cook, couldn't even bathe myself, couldn't sleep, couldn't look at myself in the mirror ..... It was a total panic crisis for 24 hours! So, when I heard about this "therapist", without wasting a minute, I rushed to him!

After listening to me, the doctor prescribed ANTIDEPRESANTS!!!! After paying 50€ for the appointment (more about this below), I rushed to find a pharmacy on duty and, without losing a second, urgently drank a pill (because I thought that all this pill will be cured, like the flu:))))). Not here it was...... After the first pill it became even worse than it was, and it was necessary to drink them for three months, as the "grief therapist" said, taking responsibility not according to his specialty...

The morning after taking the pill I found myself at the psychiatrist's office!!!!!! All because the therapist forgot to tell me that antidepressants should be used with sedatives at first, until the body gets used to them. And that's how I got into the pills...I got partly better. The panic crises started to recede.....

I slowly calmed down and the thought of a psychologist was lost somewhere far away.....

After 9 months (twice a month for 50 € per doctor's appointment, not counting the medication itself), I stopped taking the pills and after a while the panic crises resumed ... Again I didn't understand what it was from..... Anxiety, fear, I was burning in front of myself, somehow overnight I lost several kilograms! I ran to the "doctor", the same one... Sleepless nights, tears, panic ... I quit my job. again the medicine ... The good thing is that I didn't want to take it. And I didn't want to take it because I realized that I'm some kind of retard, "I'm not me"!

My acquaintances talked about a psychologist, I again internally resisted, not realizing that the problem was psychological, I was 100% sure that it was a problem of the body. And a psychologist can NOT help me...! THE BRAKING DISTANCE OF RESISTANCE WAS VERY LONG.... and even if I sometimes thought about a psychologist, I immediately rejected the idea, because I thought that I could not afford it.

In the third year, stopping and resuming treatment with antidepressants, I was very tired of my condition, tired and "grief therapist" from me, sending me to another doctor ... My relatives were tired of me too, because not realizing that I was suffering from depression, I was torturing them too.

Once again, when panic seized me, I decided to see a psychologist! And not even decided yet, but just thought that it might help something ....
But what? What conversation can help????

It seemed like the last thing that could keep me alive. I thought it was the end of me. That old age would not come and I would not see grandchildren:))))))))))))))))))))!

Now there was a question, where to get a psychologist, because I need in Russian????. I wrote in Google: "Russian-speaking psychologist in Athens"...the system gave several options, my attention was attracted by Thomas Ekaterina, because her name was assigned a serious site! It was possible to find some information there..... I went in, and indeed, found an article in which Russian in white:) was described my, exactly MY situation!!! In my own words: "medications often only push the problem deeper, which does NOT solve the problem itself".

I found contacts on the website, and then I didn't dare to call for a week! I resisted, found a thousand reasons... from quackery to a minus in my wallet..... and finally, exhausted by the unbearable misery of mental suffering, I dialed the phone...

It is a little difficult for me to describe the notes of the voice on the other end of the wire, but, unequivocally, I want to say that I heard empathy, understanding and trust!!!! After making the appointment, I couldn't stop thinking about the voice I heard, and for a whole week before the meeting I WAS talking.... inside myself, but with her:)))

And now the cherished day of the first meeting has arrived! Exciting!!! Already from the first minutes it was clear that I was with a specialist. Trust came with itself. I didn't even have to think about it....

On the very first day of our meeting, I wanted to tell EVERYTHING that I thought led to this condition... I choked up and told about ALL the culprits:)))) not even realizing that I was the problem!
Despite my terrible resistance to the "before", I looked forward to each subsequent appointment.... I liked that my "nonsense" listened attentively, and in the eyes I saw a real understanding of my problem! At the end I was always given such a layout of the situation, in which I could clearly grasp the essence of what was happening, I could see the reasons and make the necessary conclusions. I always wanted to learn more about myself, I began to realize that I could be extremely frank to get to the true cause of anxiety and depression.

Many of the things I realized then, I still apply to this day. I have many interesting memories. For example, now I remember how, in response to improvements in my condition and all the good things, I also wanted to do something or give something in return. Once I decided to express my gratitude with a gift, which Ekaterina Olegovna tactfully declined, referring to the rules of professional ethics ... Surprised - not the word!:)))) But, as it turned out, it was another valuable discovery, which allows me now not to mix personal and professional! And it works!!!:)

It is clear that everyone has their own reasons for seeking help and they are different. But for me personally, it is important that the psychologist treats everything you come to a meeting with in a warm and human way and at the same time in a professionally competent manner.

I was lucky to have met just such a specialist and today I am immensely grateful to God that I took a step towards him! I could have resisted and lived in a nightmare of panic until now... We finished our work several years ago. Now I am 48 years old, I live a full life and, yes, I am again a cheerful optimist, back to myself, again "I am me!!!:)))))

Ekaterina Olegovna, thank you!!!

To all those who still have doubts, I want to say - people, help yourself, seek help, do not stretch suffering for years!

And I often think - it would be better if we were taught psychology at school, because our mentality does not allow us to go to a psychologist in time.... For me, the word "psychologist" used to be derived from "psycho", but in fact, from "ψυχή" - "soul"...!:))))

I have EVERYTHING!!! #I❤️CatherineThomas
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