From its depths, to the horizon of light

"...Our meetings and conversations have always been characterized by great depth and soulfulness. I don't know what the magic of the profession is, the secret of a psychologist's work, but I always came out of our meetings inspired, without tears, finally, with a smile and joy..."
I will start with brief information about myself. My name is Irina, I am 43 years old. I have been living in Greece for 8 years. My first marriage was unhappy but left me with two beautiful children. Now I am happily married for the second time. I am a musician by my first profession, but now I am in the travel business.

I was forced to turn to a psychologist several years ago by a difficult situation in my relationship with a man. He was a drug addict and spoiled my psyche. At that time I was completely worn out by his difficult character, breakdowns, cheating, lying, etc. Everything that an addict is characterized by. But then I decided to help him, not to save myself, but, of course, to save him.

At the first meeting, Catherine clearly explained to me that I was in a complex co-dependent relationship. She told me about the magic triangle of "victim-savior-stalker" from which I had to break free.
First of all it was necessary to return to myself. It is impossible to save anyone against their will, and one should always start with internal changes.

In the process of our work my inner fog slowly began to dissipate. I began to listen to myself. Who am I? What do I want, not men, children, mom...?
My psychologist set me difficult tasks and asked questions that sometimes caused bewilderment, surprise, and sometimes indignation, but allowed me to discover new facets of myself, to analyze situations, to work through and build from the usual stereotypes that prevent me from living and breathing fully.
In general, we had a lot of work, but it was joyful and fruitful, sometimes amusing and funny in a kindly way.

Our meetings and conversations have always been very deep and heartfelt. I don't know what the magic of the profession is and what the secret of being a psychologist is, but I always came out of our meetings inspired, without tears, finally with a smile and joy.
As a creative person, I liked Ekaterina's original approach to our discussions and the different forms of her work. It could be, for example, fairy tales... an unforgettable fairy tale about a fairy who wanted to make everyone happy..... My complicated relationship with my mother, which had a huge impact on my relationship with my husband, my role in the family, a lot was passed....
I can happily say that I am a completely different person now! My dear psychologist gave me a new me, and over time my life has changed.
My relationship with my mom, my children got better, I married the best, my own man.

It's a fairy tale that became a reality. It's even a little strange how easily I can talk about something that once seemed unrealizable to me. I was surprised to catch myself thinking that. When you write, you always discover something new.

In conclusion, I would like to encourage those who are still in a difficult situation - even if now everything seems to be a hopeless dead end, do not lose hope and make, even if small, but real steps! One of such steps can be the first meeting with an interesting person and a talented psychologist, Ekaterina Thomas.
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